
Showing posts from October 15, 2023


Fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year. I love the beauty of the changing leaves, the crispness in the air and the stillness of a world in hibernation. (I might also be partial as my birthday is in October). The shorter days and plummeting temperatures can be depressing, but these are countered with the warmth of family memories and the anticipation of the holidays. (I certainly don’t mind the time off work as well). It’s sad to see the year fading, but I also feel a sense of accomplishment and an excitement for a new year with fresh opportunities. Often, for me, fall is a season of reflection. There’s also something about this sliver of the year which makes me want to write. Things are slowing down for the band which gives me more creative time and more energy to devote to words. For some reason, it feels good to take inventory. It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since I’ve written a post. It’s finally time. It’s difficult to explain, but something has sett